Why remote work is the worst

Say goodbye to human interaction. With remote work, you'll never have to worry about making small talk with your coworkers again. Unless, of course, you count the occasional "Hey, how's it going?" message on Slack.

  1. Never leave your bed. With remote work, you'll never have to worry about getting dressed or leaving your house again. Just make sure you don't leave that bed for too long, or you might end up looking like a sloth.

  2. Be the master of procrastination. Remote work gives you the freedom to procrastinate like never before. With no one there to keep you accountable, you'll have all the time in the world to do important tasks like watching cat videos or scrolling through TikTok.

  3. Say goodbye to office perks. No more free coffee, no more office snacks, no more office plants. Just you, your computer, and your cat staring at you.

  4. The struggle is real. Trying to focus on work while the kids are at home or the dog is barking can be a real struggle. It's not like you can just go to a quiet room or take a walk to clear your head.

  5. The never-ending virtual meetings. With remote work, you'll be on endless Zoom calls, staring at your colleagues' faces all day long. Prepare yourself for an endless parade of bad hair days, poor lighting, and terrible backgrounds.

  6. The never-ending isolation. With remote work, you'll be stuck at home all day long. And while this might sound like a dream come true, it can quickly become a nightmare. You'll miss the human interaction and the camaraderie of the office.

  7. The never-ending distractions. With remote work, you'll be surrounded by distractions, from your kids to your pets to your fridge. And it's not like you can just take a break and go for a walk. You'll be stuck at home all day long.

  8. The never-ending cycle of work and home. With remote work, you'll be working from home all day long. And when the workday is over, you'll still be at home. No more separating work from home, no more "leaving the office."

  9. The lack of work-life balance. Your office is just 10 feet away, beckoning you to go get distracted and send emails for 2 hours on a Sunday.

Remote work may sound like a dream come true, but it can quickly become a nightmare. From the lack of human interaction and office perks, to the never-ending virtual meetings, isolation and distractions, it can be hard to stay focused and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

But if you're prepared to put in the work, remote work can be a great way to brew up some productivity while enjoying the comfort of your own home.

See also: Why remote work is the best (What can I say, it’s a balance!)

Adrienne Kmetz

Adrienne’s been remote since 2015. Content marketer for 18 years, Adrienne can’t stop and won’t stop writing. She resides on the western slope of Colorado with her two Catahoulas and loves to ski, hike, and get lost in the desert.


Why remote work is the best


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