Work from home productivity tips

Here are 20 tips for being productive while working from home.

  1. Create a dedicated workspace: Set up a designated area in your home for work, with a comfortable chair, good lighting, and any necessary tech.

  2. Follow a schedule: Set a start and end time for your workday, and try to stick to it. Know when you’re most productive, and block out time for your most important tasks, then.

  3. Take breaks: It's important to rest and recharge. Take a short walk or do some stretching to help you stay focused.

  4. Minimize distractions: Turn off notifications on your phone or computer, and try to limit your exposure to social media or other distracting websites.

  5. Get dressed: It can be tempting to work in your pajamas, but getting dressed can help you feel more professional and focused.

  6. Stay organized: Keep your workspace clean and organized, and create a system for managing your tasks and deadlines.

  7. Avoid multitasking: Focus on one task at a time, rather than trying to do too many things at once.

  8. Set goals: Identify your 3 most important tasks for the day, and just tackle them.

  9. Use tools to stay on track: Consider using tools like time tracking software or a to-do list app to help you stay on track and meet your deadlines.

  10. Stay connected: Make sure to communicate with your coworkers and team members, whether through email, video conferencing, or chat.

  11. Take care of yourself: Eat well, stay hydrated, and make time for exercise and self-care.

  12. Set boundaries: Let your family and friends know when you are working and when you are available.

  13. Get some fresh air: Take breaks outside, or open a window to let in some fresh air.

  14. Use white noise: Background noise can help you focus, so consider using a white noise or brown noise machine / app.

  15. Keep your energy up: Drink plenty of water and eat healthy snacks to stay energized throughout the day.

  16. Get enough sleep: Make sure to get enough sleep at night to ensure you are well rested and ready to work.

  17. Find a comfortable work position: Make sure you are comfortable and have good posture while working to avoid fatigue and discomfort.

  18. Use your time wisely: Avoid wasting time on tasks that are not part of your 3 priority items. It can be tempting to want to cross of small but unimportant tasks. Push through the intertia to do what needs to be done.

  19. Seek support: If you are struggling to stay productive, don't hesitate to ask for help or support from your coworkers or supervisor.

  20. Be kind to yourself: Remember that it's okay to make mistakes, and try to be patient and understanding with yourself. We’re all trying our best.

Adrienne Kmetz

Adrienne’s been remote since 2015. Content marketer for 18 years, Adrienne can’t stop and won’t stop writing. She resides on the western slope of Colorado with her two Catahoulas and loves to ski, hike, and get lost in the desert.


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